Farm der Tiere

A ballad based on the allegorical tale "Animal Farm" by George Orwell.Something stirs on the farm – a spark, a thought, a revolution.

For an audience aged 12 and up

The animals have had enough of the farmer's oppression.

They rise up to create a new world, a world where all animals are equal. But are they? Or are some more equal than others?

This play was created as Maximilian Tröbinger's diploma project, marking the completion of his studies at the "Ernst Busch University of Performing Arts Berlin/Department of Puppetry."

Live recording KV Willy, 2022

Acting and puppetry: Maximilian Tröbinger
Set design, puppet construction: Gerti Tröbinger
Artistic supervision: Markus Joss

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Gerti und Max Tröbinger, Am Winklgarten 14, 4030 Linz